Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jacob's 1st Tae Kwan Do Tournament

Jacob had his very first Tea Kw an Do tournament today.  He has worked so hard to get up to this point that he was very excited, yet nervous to go to today's event.   We woke up early, had a good breakfast, and made sure that we arrived to the dojo at least a half and hour prior to his turn to compete.  I figured this would help him get some of the butterflies out.    He had a a lot of time to practice his form prior to his turn to perform it before the judges. 

He did such a great job!!!  Because I know my son, I could tell that He was very nervous.  It was to be expected.  With this being his very first competition and all.  I would have been to!  But,  He really did do beautifully!  He went through his form without blemish.  Towards the end he became a little nervous and missed a couple of minor steps but for this being his first event,  he did exceptionally well!  

Jacob lining up for the tournament to begin


Jacob beginning his form for the judges

He is doing such a beautiful job!

Good kick!

After He did the forms.. He had the chance to spar a little bit.  That was fun for him for it was something that he had never done. 

When everything was said and done... They started giving out the awards.  Jacob won Second Place in forms!!!!!!   I could not be more proud and it really boosted his confidence!  Now,  He is excited about practicing and getting ready to go to another tournament.  This was a really good experience for him. 

Jacob just won 2nd place!!!

He is sooo excited as he shakes the judges hands


Second Place!

For a very first time ever competing,  in my opinion,  He is a Champion!  My Champion! 

Here is a short video of Jacob practicing his form shortly before the tournament.  We are all so proud of him!

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