Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sledding at Memorial Park

Snow Day!!  Oh how we love the snow!   Is there a better way to celebrate having the day off of school then to hit the slopes?  We don't think so! 

We piled everything into the all wheel drive, picked up Nani's boyfriend Matt, and headed out to Memorial Park.  When we arrived, there where news crews already there filming on how the cold weather wasn't keeping the kids away from all the sledding fun!  So, we piled out of the car and hit the hill!  WOW!  What a hill!  It was so much fun!  We stayed for about an hour.  It was "REALLY" cold!!    And... Unfortunately, we did have the misfortune of witnessing a couple of injuries while we where there but all and all it was a great day out in the snow!    Can't hardly wait until we get another snow day so we can get out and play again!!  Next time hopefully,  it won't be so cold.   :D

Jacob and Jesse - excited to hit the hill


Nani and her boyfriend Matt

Me- So cold I have 3 hats on!!  Looks silly but I don't mind.  


Jacob having some trouble with his sled trying to run away

Jake- down the hill he goes!

Bye Jacob!

A long walk back to the top

My Nani and I

Nani and Matt

Jacob and Jesse

Here comes Jacob!!!

Jesse tossing a little snow to enhance Jacob's landing experience! Tee hee hee!

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