Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy New Year 2011 !!

Happy New Year!  What a year we have had!  We have had some challenges this year and also some amazing triumphs.  It had been quite a ride!  We really noticed this year how fast the kids are growing up.  Mariah is getting ready to go to college and Jacob is climbing the ladder right behind her.  We know that 2011 is going to bring forth a lot of change but also a lot of adventure and new opportunities! 

This New years Eve was a lot of fun!  We went out to Quaker Steak and Lube and then went over to the movie theater to see the Movie "TRON" in IMAX 3D.  It was a really good movie and to watch it in IMAX made it insane!  Then we came home and watched the New Years Eve festivities on TV and played Rock Band on the PlayStation until the ball dropped.   We had a great night together as a family and we are looking forward to this new year with great anticipation of the amazing things that GOD is going to do.

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