Friday, April 1, 2011

My 36th Birthday at Espana!

 This year for my birthday we went to my favorite restaurant, Espana.  It is a tapas restaurant and all the food is served on three tier plates.  So pretty is how I would describe it and the food... Amazing!   It is so good that you find yourself closing your eyes and taking in every bite with such patience as to not miss a single flavor.  On Certain nights of the week, they have entertainment such as Spanish guitar players, Jazz musicians, and flamenco dancers.  For a short time in your life, your feel like you have left Omaha and are eating a wonderful dinner in Spain. 

                                                                     My Nani

Jacob-all Smiles

Lenny and I

The Crew

Jesse-  Being Silly

Jacob- a skewer

Daddy and Jacob

                                                                   Nani and Mommy

We had such a good time enjoying our dinner together.  We each ordered one tier each. (which equals to three plates a piece)  When they arrived,  we all shared.   It was a lot of fun to try different things.  Jacob decided that he loved calamari until he found out what it was and Lenny discovered that he really likes muscles.  Who knew that they could be so good?! 

The Grilled Shrimp -  YUMMY!!

Nani- All Smiles


Fried Calamari

Jacob and Jesse enjoying their dinner

My Boo

Tiered plates


Rib eye and Stuffed Manacotti

A little fondue for dessert!

Banana's and Strawberries for Fondue

 A fun thing that they like to do is serve wine in Spanish decanters which are so fun to have a sip from.  So children can also share in the experience, they fill them with cranberry juice.   They really enjoy trying not to spill it all over themselves. 

Me attempting the decanter

Jesse's doing well!  Not one drop on his clothes!

Jacob is trying to swallow the spout!  tee hee hee!

Good job Jacob!

Go Ria!

WOW Jake!   You got it now!

Mariah's a PRO!

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