Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jacob's 1st Tae Kwan Do Tournament

Jacob had his very first Tea Kw an Do tournament today.  He has worked so hard to get up to this point that he was very excited, yet nervous to go to today's event.   We woke up early, had a good breakfast, and made sure that we arrived to the dojo at least a half and hour prior to his turn to compete.  I figured this would help him get some of the butterflies out.    He had a a lot of time to practice his form prior to his turn to perform it before the judges. 

He did such a great job!!!  Because I know my son, I could tell that He was very nervous.  It was to be expected.  With this being his very first competition and all.  I would have been to!  But,  He really did do beautifully!  He went through his form without blemish.  Towards the end he became a little nervous and missed a couple of minor steps but for this being his first event,  he did exceptionally well!  

Jacob lining up for the tournament to begin


Jacob beginning his form for the judges

He is doing such a beautiful job!

Good kick!

After He did the forms.. He had the chance to spar a little bit.  That was fun for him for it was something that he had never done. 

When everything was said and done... They started giving out the awards.  Jacob won Second Place in forms!!!!!!   I could not be more proud and it really boosted his confidence!  Now,  He is excited about practicing and getting ready to go to another tournament.  This was a really good experience for him. 

Jacob just won 2nd place!!!

He is sooo excited as he shakes the judges hands


Second Place!

For a very first time ever competing,  in my opinion,  He is a Champion!  My Champion! 

Here is a short video of Jacob practicing his form shortly before the tournament.  We are all so proud of him!

Sledding at Memorial Park

Snow Day!!  Oh how we love the snow!   Is there a better way to celebrate having the day off of school then to hit the slopes?  We don't think so! 

We piled everything into the all wheel drive, picked up Nani's boyfriend Matt, and headed out to Memorial Park.  When we arrived, there where news crews already there filming on how the cold weather wasn't keeping the kids away from all the sledding fun!  So, we piled out of the car and hit the hill!  WOW!  What a hill!  It was so much fun!  We stayed for about an hour.  It was "REALLY" cold!!    And... Unfortunately, we did have the misfortune of witnessing a couple of injuries while we where there but all and all it was a great day out in the snow!    Can't hardly wait until we get another snow day so we can get out and play again!!  Next time hopefully,  it won't be so cold.   :D

Jacob and Jesse - excited to hit the hill


Nani and her boyfriend Matt

Me- So cold I have 3 hats on!!  Looks silly but I don't mind.  


Jacob having some trouble with his sled trying to run away

Jake- down the hill he goes!

Bye Jacob!

A long walk back to the top

My Nani and I

Nani and Matt

Jacob and Jesse

Here comes Jacob!!!

Jesse tossing a little snow to enhance Jacob's landing experience! Tee hee hee!

CoCo Key Water Resort

Today we decided to go and have some much needed fun after church service let out.  We surprised the kids with a day trip to CoCo Key Water Resort.  They had never been and it was way nicer than I expected it to be.  Because it was a Sunday afternoon, there wasn't really a crowd to speak of so that made the day even more enjoyable. 

When we arrived there was an immediate explosion of excitement from the kids in the car.  It is always so much fun to watch their little faces light up!  We went though admissions and received our locker keys and got into our swimsuits right away.  Mariah and I got an extra surprise when we ran into our cousin Aubrey and her precious daughter Ava in the women's locker room.  What an unexpected run in!  It was so great to see them!   
After having a short conversation, we were off to meet up with the boys and hit the pools! 

We had such a great day!  We relaxed in the lazy river, we played in the playdazium and let the bucket soak us, we played leap frog on lily pads, we played water basketball, we lounged in the Jacuzzi, and we hit the water slides... over and over again!!  It was sooooo nice to feel like we where enjoying a beautiful summers day at a fun water park in the middle of winter.  It could not have been better! 

 So,  CoCo Key... The Galloway's give you two thumbs up!!

Jacob and I

Jacob and Jesse enjoying the Playdayzium

Jacob- Leap frog

Jesse-  A pick inside the water slide on the way down

Jesse and Uncle Lenny-  Just coming out of the water slide

Daddy and Mariah ready for take off!  Jesse in the background - a race to the bottom!

Mariah, Daddy, and Jacob

Dropping the bucket


Daddy and Nani coming out of the water slide

Lenny and I in the Jacuzzi

Silly Boys!

Jesse and Jake deep in conversation


Lenny enjoying his lunch


Jesse's awesome underwater shot

Happy New Year 2011 !!

Happy New Year!  What a year we have had!  We have had some challenges this year and also some amazing triumphs.  It had been quite a ride!  We really noticed this year how fast the kids are growing up.  Mariah is getting ready to go to college and Jacob is climbing the ladder right behind her.  We know that 2011 is going to bring forth a lot of change but also a lot of adventure and new opportunities! 

This New years Eve was a lot of fun!  We went out to Quaker Steak and Lube and then went over to the movie theater to see the Movie "TRON" in IMAX 3D.  It was a really good movie and to watch it in IMAX made it insane!  Then we came home and watched the New Years Eve festivities on TV and played Rock Band on the PlayStation until the ball dropped.   We had a great night together as a family and we are looking forward to this new year with great anticipation of the amazing things that GOD is going to do.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas at Home

This Christmas was wonderful!  It was especially difficult for me this year to keep some gifts a secret for I knew how excited the recipient was going to be upon opening it.  I could hardly contain my excitement and I think that I was counting down the days with more enthusiasm than ever before.  

The house was decorated to perfection and there was a peaceful stillness in the air as light snowflakes hit the ground on Christmas Eve.  It was beautiful!  We all hoped for a plowable snow that we could go sledding in but unfortunately we will have to wait. 

We have a tradition of allowing the kids to open one gift on Christmas Eve.  This year we let them open them in the early afternoon so that they could enjoy them all day long.  They had such a great time.  When evening came, we watched "The Nativity Story" as a family, Lenny read "Night before Christmas",  and we tucked the kids in for the night.  They where so excited for the following morning that they could hardly contain themselves.

The house was still for what seamed like just a moment when I heard tiny footsteps in the hall.  5:30am seamed to come far to early.  I made my way down the stairs to be greeted by my son Jacob who was bouncing with joy over his new Banzai tree.  Within moments the whole family joined us and it was time to make the coffee and start the morning festivities. 

With the opening of every gift came an eruption of passionate shouts of joy.  Among all the toys, clothes, and Nic Nacs...The pillow pets, Nerf guns,the DSI XL, and the X-BOX Kenects was among many of the favorites.  They could not hardly wait to start their play.  It was so much fun to see their eyes light up with excitement and even more fun cleaning up the mess after. :D

My Nephew Jesse-  Cookie Monster pajama Pants

Nani- I-POD Speaker Bag .. Waaaay cool!

Ooooo... What is it?!!!?

An X-BOX!!!!

My Hubby-   An awesome piggy bank.  It shouts "Touchdown" every time you put money in it.

Jacob-  Nerf Guns!!

Jesse with his new Nerf gun

Nani loves TO KI DO KI

Jacob had been wanting these wall hangers for a very long time. He was super Jazzed to finally own them and could not wait to hang them in his room.


Nani-  "It's a pillow...It's a pet... It's a pillow pet!"

Jesse and Jacob

Me-  My hubby knows how much I adore sock monkeys.  He actually found me a sock monkey snuggy.  Hahhaaha!  It is the cutest thing!

Sitting down to Christmas dinner, and beings it was just us this year,  I let the kids stay in there Jammie's.  It was alot of fun and the food was ohhh sooo yummy!

Good Eats!

Mariah and her boyfriend Matt

We played all morning long and then had a great Christmas dinner.  It was a wonderful day.