Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lenny's 48th Birthday Dinner

My Love is 48 years old!  When I sit and reflect, it amazes me how fast the years are flying by.  I knew that we had to take him somewhere extra special this year.  Somewhere he had never been. 

In Regency, there is a Japanese restaurant called Kobe Steakhouse.  The chefs prepare your food on a grill right at your table.  They set the grill ablaze, Make beating hearts out of rice,  Volcano's out of stacked onions then turn it into a choo choo train, catch bowls of fire in their hats, and even toss shrimp in the air for you to attempt to catch in your mouth.  As the chef started preparing our meal, the smell was intoxicating!  .. and the taste?  AMAZING! 

Daddy and Daughter Mariah

Me and My Birthday Boy

Lenny and Mariah eating the soup ... Yummy!

Cousins- Jesse and Jacob

The best soup in the world!

Jacob said that this is the best soup he has ever had in his whole life!

Our Chef

Beating heart of Rice

Lenny enjoying his meal

Jacob desperatly trying to figure out his chopsticks.  He did a great job!


Choo choo train

It was so entertaining to watch the chefs prepare our meal for us. There was so much food to try!  They Started us off with soup and then a Japanese inspired salad.  Next came the main dishes we ordered and they where cooked to perfection!   As our meal was coming to an end,  a lady came out banging on a gong and started walking in our direction.  When she came near our table she pulled out a large Happy Birthday sign and stood behind my husband.  Our chef pulled out a camera and told my husband that on the count of three to shout Bonsai.

One... Two.... Three... Bonsai!! 

They took the picture and gave Lenny a piece of cheesecake with a candle in it.  It was very special and the cheesecake was soo yummy!  

We had such a great time at dinner!  It was so entertaining and the food was fantastic.  Happy Birthday my Love.   I pray that it was the best one yet!

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