Thursday, December 16, 2010

Skating in the Old Market

Ice skating!  Something that I used to do everyday was such a faded memory until this last weekend.  Mariah went out on a date night with her boyfriend so we decided to go out for some winter fun.  

In the Old market area, Con-Agera set up an outdoor ice arena.  It was so pretty!  Christmas lights where everywhere and it really looked like an outdoor wonderland.  They set up concession stands with hot coco and nachos!  Jacob was a little timid at first but eventually became a little more brave as the evening went on and Jesse took to the rink like a fish to water.  He was truly a natural.  My husband, Lenny, even skated!  He did so well and did not fall even once! 

The rink was all lit up

concession stands and relaxing areas

My husband Lenny, My son Jacob, and Me

              My Nephew Jesse, Me, Jacob, and Lenny

Jesse taking to the ice

Me helping Jacob around the rink.  He was a little timid but was learning fast.

Jacob and Daddy

Getting the hang of it

Me and My Boo

                       Me helping Jacob around the rink 

After skating,  We walked down through the Gene Lahey Mall and looked at all the Christmas lights.  It was really beautiful.  We truly had a wonderful night.  I can't hardly wait to do it again next year.  Skating outdoors with all of the festive lights and music really put us in the Christmas mood. 


My Husband Lenny

The Boys

Me and My little Man

So pretty!

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