Sunday, December 5, 2010


We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.  It was so relaxing!  I did all my baking the night before so that there was no pressure at all the day of.  We woke up around 8am and turned on the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, as in tradition in our house.  I put the turkey in the oven and sat and watched for awhile.  It was wonderful seeing all the floats and performances this year.  They really did a wonderful job!  It was cute to watch the kids all snuggles up making their every five second commentary on everything they saw.  They did not move from the parade all morning! 

While they watched, I worked diligently in the kitchen preparing all the side dishes and setting the table.  It was nice to go at a my own rhythm and not be in frazzled rush.  It felt more like making beautiful art with food and it was so rewarding in the end.   Everything came out just perfect and I could not have been more pleased. 

After Dinner,  we turned on the football game.  Everyone was so full that there where little naps taking place all around. The kids where so cute as they where falling out in their turkey slumbers that I couldn't bare to disturb them. 

Later in the evening, after the football game was over and all the Wii games had been played,  we settled in for a Christmas movie.  This years feature?  "The Christmas Carol"

The table all set for Thanksgiving  

Lenny getting the turkey out

Isn't she grand!

Two Pumpkin, One sweet potato, and one apple pie

Now, That's what it is all about!

The kids Toasting with their sparkling grape juice.   "Cheers!"

It was a great Thanksgiving this year!  Now, It's time to shift gears and prepare the house for Christmas. 

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