Friday, August 6, 2010

Jacob ~ Tae kwan Do

Jacob has decided that he wants to take Tae Kwan Do.  So,  yesterday we set forth on a quest to find the perfect place that would meet our needs.  We looked at three different facilities before we found one that was just what we where looking for.  The Dojo was clean and we where greeted almost right away.  Everyone was very friendly and approachable and ready to answer any questions that we had.  What made it perfect? ... The price! 

Today,  I took Jacob in for his first class.  He was so excited that he woke up this morning at 8:45am and asked me when his class was... It wasn't until 5:45pm.. :)  Silly rabbit!   So,  All day he talked about it and when we got there he was just beside himself.  I have never seen him so focused!  He was really paying attention and giving every move his best effort.  I was so proud of him.  His next class is on Monday so he has the whole weekend to practice what he learned today and be ready to go.

Jacob so handsom in his GI

Tae Kwan Do Nebraska

Showing his new punching abilities

Learning punching

Learning to block


MK Meredith said...

How fun! Looks like a great place!

Galloway Girl said...

It is! They just jumped right in and are REALLY great with kids. I was so impressed! Can't hardly wait to see what He will be learning on Monday. :D