Monday, July 26, 2010

Pool Day!

During the summer one of our favorite things to do is spend time at the pool. So, every year I buy a pool pass and we go almost on a daily bases. What can I say, We are the fun in the sun type. :D Today, We invited my dear friend Angie and her wonderful girls to come with us. The kids had such a great time together and with it being such a hot day, It was a nice way to cool off and beat the heat. We were concerned earlier in the day for it started clouding up and it rained some. But, We were blessed to see the sun come out and it really turned out to be a gorgeous day!

Mariah and Jacob playing around in the pool. Jake is soo silly!

Angie and I

Jacob and I

Jacob, Tori, and Alley having some fun with the underwater camera

Angie and Mariah enjoying some lounge chair time. :D

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