Monday, July 26, 2010

Off to camp Rivercrest!

Mariah took a huge leap of faith in her life and off to church camp. She was apprehensive for she is not the get out and get one with nature kind of girl but she was very excited to get out and try something new. We were all so excited when we arrived at the camp and saw how clean and nice it was! They had all kinds of things for the young people to do there. Lenny and I wanted to become teenagers so that we could stay but Mariah said that was a " no go.." hahahhaa! It was hard leaving her there for a week but I knew that she was going to have an amazing time and boy did she ever! When we picked her up she told us wonderful stories of all the wonderful friends she made, Her paintballing experience, and she evern tried archery! I am so glad that she was able to get out of ther comfort zone and go experience something new in life. Two thumbs up for church camp!

Daddy and Mariah packing the car and getting ready to go to camp

Mariah's Camp Lodge :)

Nani and Angie

Nani hanging out with her Cabin Mates

Nani got her Birthday Box!  17 year old!  Woot!

Here is a video of some of the highlights of Camprivercrest!

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