Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It is unbelievable how much snow we have gotten this already this year! I am just in awe and it's only December! We just had a blizzard over Christmas and got 16 inches and now it is snowing again. We only are supposed to get about 6 inches total, but tonight the temp is dropping down to -40 with windchill. Also, to add insult to injury...the wind is picking up so there are blizzard warnings popping up for the overnight hours. The kids are jazzed that they get another day off of school. This has got to be the LONGEST Christmas vacation is history, but I don't mind. It is sooo great having them home. :)

Lenny and I went out earlier and tackled the shoveling. It was quite a job! The snow piles are getting up there! It makes it harder to lift the snow. You practically have to raise the shovel over your head. hahahhahhaha!

Whew! What a job! But it was an awesome workout! Go team Galloway! Lenny and I got it done in about a half an hour. I couldn't have done it without him. Gotta love that man!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


This Christmas was amazing! We had a blizzard and got snowed in. 16 inches! It was sooooo beautiful! We had such a lovely time being all cooped up together playing games and being all snuggled up watching movies. On Christmas day, I made a big dinner and we sat and ate while watching the snow blow around outside. It was blowing soo hard that we could hardly see the houses across the street! We were sooo thankful to be so warm and cozy inside together and in front of such a bountiful display of FOOD! :) YUMMY! The kids got everything they wanted on their lists and Lenny and I could not remember a Christmas that was more relaxing or more beautiful! All the snow and all of the lights made it sooo wonderful! I can only pray that next year is just as Wonderful as this year was.