Saturday, July 4, 2009

Off to the Mayo Clinic

I was so happy to finally be able to go to the Mayo Clinic. I have to say...It is everything that everyone claims that it is and more! I was amazed! The people are wonderful and they REALLY know what they are doing! I met such wonderful people and I will never forget them or there stories they had to share. The doctors started me on a new treatment and we are confident that it is going to work. :) I will never forget my experience that I had at the Mayo Clinic and all the beautiful people that are there. I will hold a special place in my heart for them forever.

This is a guy that had a brain surgery just like mine...we laughed that we where brother and sister and had the twin scars to prove it. :)

My Spa day...Mayo style! (actually...It was a sweat test. They where testing me for cystic pybrosis.)
