Thursday, March 12, 2009

Snow Day!

Snow days are always a lot of fun. This time was no different. We went out with the kids to a park that has a pretty nice hill. Not to steep for the faint of heart. The weather was sunny and there was hardly any wind. It was a perfect day for playing in the snow. The kids sledded, attempted snow boarding, and even had a snow ball fight. It was so nice to sit and watch them have fun. Sometimes I get to thinking about how fast they are growing and how soon moments like these will be a distant memory. So, I cherish times that we can just be silly together. The snow was here for a couple of days and then melted away but we sure had fun in it while it was here.

Deana's 34th Birthday!

This year was my 34th birthday! It is so crazy to think how much time has passed. Lenny and the kids surprised me with a cake and the most beautiful tulips when I woke up! It made me feel so special! Later, we went out to dinner and it was so much fun! They waitresses all came over to sing me happy birthday and they were actually really good! The food was so yummy and I had a really good time being with my family. The next day, My mom and i hooked up to go to lunch and a movie. Happy birthday to me!

Ringing in the New Year!

This new years was a lot of fun! We decided to go out for an early dinner at one of our favorite restruants, Brother Sabations. The food was amazing as always and the kids had a really good time eating next to the fireplace where it was nice and warm. We spent quite awhile talking and enjoying each others company. After returning home, we decided to ring in the new year by playing Rock Band until the ball dropped. We took a break at 5 till and then celebrated with sparkling apple juice. Lenny and I danced to old lang zine and it was such a nice way to bring in the new year...with the ones I love. It could not have been better!

Family playing Rock Band in the basement

Christmas with the Galloway's 2008

Jacob's gingerbread house

Mariah's gingerbread house.

My neighbor brought over the best banana bread ever!!

Our house all lit up for Christmas!

This Christmas Could not have been more perfect. It was so quite and relaxing. We even decided to do our family pictures at home. The kids made their yearly gingerbread houses and had a ball with all of that frosting! I think that they ate more than they used. We spent a lot of time watching Christmas movies and enjoyed being snowed in. On Christmas Eve, We watched "The Nativity Movie" and read "The night before Christmas" before we all went off to bed. The kids actually let us sleep in a little! We were really surprised! It was much nicer being awake enough to enjoy the festivities! We hung out in our P.J.'s all day. We can only pray that next year is just as wonderful as this year was!

My beautiful family

Me making the coffee

Jacob and Mariah Christmas morning